It is a unique and powerful spiritual transmission that aims at the complete awakening, realization and «liberation» of the individual.

What is RASA?

RASA is perhaps the most direct, effective and reliable way to truly awaken and realize who or what you really are.

RASA is an acronym for «Ramaji Advaita Shaktipat Attunement». It is a unique and powerful spiritual transmission that aims at the complete awakening, realization and «liberation» of the individual. RASA works in a fast, precise, extremely thorough, yet gentle and loving way.

RASA is especially suited for those who are approaching the end of their spiritual search, and for those who already have experienced an awakening or a shift but feel «Is this all there is to it?» and «There must be more.» At the same time, RASA may cause a quantum leap in consciousness in anyone looking for real release and realization.

Are you searching? Are you suffering? Are you dissatisfied with your current state? Then RASA most likely is the «missing piece of the puzzle» that you have been looking for. While RASA may not be a cure-all, it is perfectly suited for those who are tired of the search and eventually want «to finish.» If such a desire or longing is there, then RASA might be the decisive factor for this final «leap across the threshold.»

For receiving RASA it is immaterial if or for how long you have been «on a path» or which teaching, philosophy, tradition, or teacher you feel connected to or not. The only prerequisite for awakening through RASA is the sincere desire to end the inner discontent, restlessness and conflict, i.e., the spiritual or existential suffering (Sanskrit Dukkha), and thereby the search once and for all.

RASA is neither a new movement nor a new path, but simply a loving service from one person to another, who, after a long and tiresome «journey,» is willing to receive the great gift of «liberation» (Sanskrit Mukti, Moksha, Nirvana).

RASA is not transmitted from one person to another. The RASA Facilitator just provides the space and opens the channel through which the RASA Transmission happens. The pure white light of RASA emanates directly from the One Source and works on the recipient. It is a gift of life or Reality to Itself — an unimaginable, immeasurable blessing.

A RASA Transmission takes 15-20 minutes and is given in silence. The recipient should not to apply any other method or technique during the RASA but to relax and allow the experience to happen to the best of their ability.

By receiving RASA Transmissions, it may take any time between one week and one year — with an average of approximately 3-6 months — to experience real and lasting «liberation», i.e., «liberation» from the «prison of ego-trance» or the erroneous assumption of an «I» that is separate from life and «others». RASA might put an end to any limiting concepts, ideas, beliefs, dogmas, and paradigms about yourself and the world, lead to a waking up from the waking dream (Sanskrit Maya) and to an experience of life that is completely natural, infinitely profound, and amazingly simple at the same time. This state or «stateless state» is nothing new but is You as your original Self — the Source of existence.

RASA is an all-pure and authentic transmission with the frequent result of living in the natural «state» (Sanskrit Sahaja). What then remains is life experiencing itself. Life is lived, and THIS is all there is.

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What are the experiences of people after receiving RASA?

Several hundred people have reportedly experienced these kinds of changes, among others, within a few weeks or months after receiving RASA:
This list could be extended almost indefinitely. But the reality of it and how it is being realized and expressed individually is ultimately indescribable.

Tip: You will find detailed testimonials of people after receiving RASA on this page.

Notes: Sanskrit Advaita = not two, non-duality, no sense of separation; Sanskrit Shaktipat = spiritual transmission.

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