Advaita – A Collection of Writings on the Realization of One Truth is a comprehensive ebook on non-duality published by Elias in 2004 (only available in German).

Books by Awakened people

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Advaita – A Collection of Writings on the Realization of One Truth is a comprehensive ebook on non-duality published by Elias in 2004 (only available in German). 
1000 is a complete guide to LOCs (Levels of Consciousness) and the new Map of Awakening. Ramaji gives an overview of the lower levels of consciousness (LOC 30 to LOC 499). He explains the emergence of spirituality (LOC 500 to 559). He then describes the advanced seeker stages (LOC 560 to LOC 589), ready to leap into non-duality. 

Ramaji covers the four non-dual stages in considerable depth. Entries from his private spiritual journal illuminate this ultimate journey. The new non-dual sage goes from local space spontaneity (LOC 600s) to cosmic or universal consciousness (LOC 700s), to divine unknowing (LOC 800s), and to, for a few, the hesitant hermit (LOC 900s). He arrives at and stabilizes in the Absolute (LOC 1000).

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To assist the advanced seekers and spiritual teachers around the world, Ramaji offers case studies and other in-depth practical explanations to show how each major non-dual stage is different from the others. He also does all he can to describe the nature and experience of the Absolute. He calls upon Ramana and Nisargadatta frequently in his efforts to explain the Absolute that, by Its very nature, is ineffable and utterly beyond words. There has never been a book like 1000 before. If you are on the spiritual path in any way, this is a book that you simply cannot do without.

Other books by Ramaji are available here, among others. The ebook «The Yoga of Self-Inquiry,» a condensed and revised version of Ramaji’s «Who Am I? Meditation,» is available as a free download here (for Apple devices only) and as a PDF here. 

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